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  • Vidyoto
  • Güncel Haber
  • Honda’dan düşük tüketim rekoru – Honda sets new Guiness World Records

Honda’dan düşük tüketim rekoru – Honda sets new Guiness World Records

Honda’dan düşük tüketim rekoru – Honda sets new Guiness World Records



Honda’dan düşük tüketim rekoru

Honda Civic Tourer 1.6 i-DTEC ile Avrupa’nın 24 ülkesini dolaşan Honda ekibi, 13 bin 498 km’lik rota boyunca ortalama 2,82 lt/100 km’lik tüketim değerine imza atarak Guiness Dünya Rekoru Kitabı’na ‘En Düşük Tüketim – 24 Avrupa Ülkesi’ olarak girdi.

57393 Guinness World Records

Honda’nın Avrupa Ar-Ge ekibinden Fergal McGrath ve Julian Warren 1 Haziran 2015 tarihinde Belçika’dan yola çıkarak 24 Avrupa ülkesini dolaştı ve 25 Haziran 2015 tarihinde çıkış noktalarına geri döndü. Toplam 13 bin 498 km’lik bir rotayı geride bırakan ekip, yolculuk boyunca 9 kez yakıt ikmali yaparken Civic Tourer 1.6 i-DTEC, her bir depo ile yaklaşık bin 500 km menzile ulaştı. Tüm rota boyunca her iki sürücü de araçta yer alırken 25 gün boyunca her gün yaklaşık 600 km sürüş mesafesi ve 7,5 saat sürüş süresine imza attılar. Gerçek yaşam koşullarında gerçekleştirilen rota ortalaması olarak 2,82 lt/100 km’lik bir tüketime imza atan Honda Civic Tourer 1.6 i-DTEC, böylece fabrika verisi olan 3,8 lt/100 km’lik değeri yüzde 25 oranında aşağıya çekmiş oldu.
Honda Civic Tourer 1.6 i-DTEC, bu değerle Guiness Dünya Rekoru Kitabı’nda ‘En Düşük Tüketim – 24 Avrupa Ülkesi’ başlığı altında resmi olarak kaydedildi. Her ikisi de amatör sürücüden oluşan ekip, basit ama son derece etkili; doğru rota planlaması, ani fren veya gaz kullanmadan, sakin sürüş, yol şartlarını önden okuma ve değerlendirme, gereksiz ağırlık taşımama ve aracın her zaman bakımlı olmasını sağlamak gibi ekonomik sürüş teknikleriyle herkesin tutumlu araç kullanabileceğini gözler önüne serdi.
Kural gereği rekor denemesinde seri üretim bir araç kullanıldı ve bir avantaj elde etmek üzere araç üzerinde herhangi bir değişiklik veya modifikasyon gerçekleştirilmedi. Aracın kontrolleri sürüş öncesinde yapıldı. Yine olası bir ağırlık avantajının önüne geçmek üzere her seferinde yakıt dolumu -depo miktarı kadar- tam dolum gerçekleştirilirken yakıt ikmali resmi akaryakıt istasyonlarında yapıldı. Ayrıca kural gereği lastik hava basınçlarının da fabrika değerlerinde olması sağlandı. Rota, sürüş süresi ve sürüş mesafesi gibi bilgileri sağlıklı bir şekilde kayıt altına almak üzere test için kullanılan Civic Tourer 1.6 i-DTEC, yeni nesil bir araç takip sistemi ile donatıldı.


57420 Guiness World Record

Honda has set a new GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title for ‘Lowest fuel consumption – all 24 contiguous EU countries (all cars)’, recording an average 2.82 litres per 100km (100.31mpg) over 13,498km (8,387 miles), in a 25 day drive across all 24 EU contiguous countries.

Behind the wheel of a Honda Civic Tourer 1.6 i-DTEC for the entire journey were two members of Honda’s European Research & Development (R&D) team, Fergal McGrath and Julian Warren, who took on the challenge to further demonstrate the impressive real-world fuel economy of the Tourer.

The remarkable distance travelled is similar to the team driving to Australia from their home in the UK, stopping just nine times to refuel. The car achieved an incredible average 1500km (932 miles) on each tank of fuel, at a total fuel cost for the whole journey of just 645 Euros* (£459).

The team set out on their epic road trip from Aalst, Belgium, on Monday June 1st, navigating the continent in a clockwise direction. They returned to their start point on Thursday June 25th, recording the incredible fuel economy figures which exceed the Tourer’s quoted efficiency of 3.8 litres per 100km (74.3mpg), by more than 25%.

Fergal McGrath comments: “It was tough, but we really enjoyed it, and setting this new GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title has made all of the hard work worthwhile. This was a huge team effort so I’d like to thank everyone involved for all of their commitment and support. After spending so much time behind the wheel Julian and I are just happy to be back behind our desks for a while!”

The official GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title is ‘Lowest Fuel Consumption – all 24 contiguous EU countries’, measured in litres per 100km and miles per gallon calculated over the entire journey.

Under the rules the same two drivers must be in the car for the whole journey, giving Fergal and Julian, Honda R&D colleagues of some 18 years and based in the UK, the challenge of driving an average of approximately 600km, taking around 7.5 hours, each day.

Based on strict and rigorous guidelines, the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title attempt required the car to enter each of the 24 countries specified, collecting a range of evidence including a fuel/mileage logbook, GPS readings, video and photographs and independent witness signatures to prove that it has done so. To ensure accurate monitoring of the route, journey time and distance driven, the record car was fitted with a tracking device, provided by fleet telematics and stolen vehicle recovery expert, TRACKER (part of the Tantalum Corporation).

Under the rules of the record title attempt the car must be a standard model in every respect, with no modifications to create an advantage, to replicate ‘real world’ conditions. This was judged by independent witnesses at the beginning and end of the attempt. Fuelling was carried out at regular filling stations, with the tank filled to the maximum at each stop to ensure no weight advantage. Additionally, tyres were inflated to the recommended pressures and the wheel alignment set to factory specification to represent the experience of the regular customer.

The team, both amateur drivers, were also keen to show that through adopting some simple but very effective driving techniques, anybody could achieve such remarkable fuel economy. They simply used some very logical methods including careful and sensible route planning, driving smoothly and consistently without harsh acceleration or braking, anticipating the road conditions ahead, carrying no unnecessary weight, and ensuring that the car was correctly maintained at all times. Driving speed was always within the law and keeping up with traffic conditions.



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