36,6753$% 0.09
40,0531€% 0.19
47,6169£% 0.05
BMW Group Tasarım Kıdemli Başkan Yardımcısı Adrian van Hooydonk, “BMW 7 Serisi’nin gelişiminin temel amacı, modern lüks bir vizyon oluşturmak” diyor.
“The primary objective in the development of the new car was to create a vision of modern luxury and to exceed our customers’ expectations. In BMW’s eyes, modern luxury is rooted in the most advanced technologies and extremely fine attention to detail. This generation of the BMW 7 Series is the most luxurious, most comfortable and the best car we have ever built in this class” explains Adrian van Hooydonk, Senior Vice President BMW Group Design.
Audi R8 V10 plus and R8 LMS – Animation